
In 2016, President Ron Daniels set forth a vision for diversity and inclusion at Johns Hopkins in the Roadmap on Diversity and Inclusion. An important component of that document was the establishment of a Homewood diversity council to focus on issues in the Whiting and Krieger schools, an idea that was embraced by Deans Ed Schlesinger and Beverly Wendland.  The Homewood Council on Inclusive Excellence (HCIE) was thus founded in Fall 2016 to serve as a coalition of scholars, innovators, and advocates who represent Homewood faculty, staff, undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs.

Mission and Charge

The purpose of the Homewood Council on Inclusive Excellence (HCIE) is to advance and support the fulfillment of a collective diversity vision for Homewood and provide accountability for diversity progress. The council will specify attributes of our campus that we aspire to improve, propose processes and practices to attain desired diversity outcomes, and implement creative approaches for broadening and strengthening diversity and inclusion efforts. HCIE will engage our faculty, staff, students, and administration in collaborative, open conversations (1) to challenge practices that pose barriers to the engagement and success of underrepresented groups and (2) to empower traditionally underrepresented groups, (3) to increase awareness of the benefits/importance of diversity (4) to support innovations that accelerate diversity progress (5) and to foster an intellectually vibrant and inclusive climate for all members of our community.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Advise the Homewood Leadership (Deans of the Whiting and Krieger Schools) and recommend strategies and practices that enhance retention, advancement and engagement of diverse students, faculty and staff.
  • Evaluate the goals of the Roadmap to Diversity and Inclusion and identify specific policies and practices to bridge the gap between current and desired diversity outcomes
  • Work to institutionalize values of diversity and inclusion into the fabric of academic life (research, education, teaching, policies, programs, and organizational structures).
  • Serve as ambassadors to their respective departments, units and colleagues on issues regarding equity and diversity
  • Promote intellectual projects and events designed to enrich academic life, broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in academic life and engage non-traditional perspectives and experiences
  • Identify ways to better understand our campus environment and document how various members of the community feel about their experiences at Homewood. Leverage data to demonstrate areas where concrete interventions/actions are needed to enhance climate.
  • Engage with the Office of Institutional Research to produce reliable diversity data and establish a transparent system of monitoring, evaluation and accountability for diversity and inclusion progress among leadership (Deans, Vice Deans and department chairs)
  • Recognize and honor exemplary actions or initiatives that contribute to a diverse and inclusive climate and advance diversity goals

Council Composition

Members of the HCIE will include broad representation from the various constituents on the Homewood Campus. The council will be composed of faculty, students (graduate and undergraduate), postdocs, staff and administration (18-25 members total, with approximately equal numbers from students, staff and faculty/administration groups).

In addition to the nominated/elected members above:

  1. Ex officio seats will be shared by the vice deans from KSAS and WSE.
  2. One representative shall be chosen by the undergraduate student government, one by the Graduate Representative Organization, one by the Office of Multicultural Affairs/Homewood Student Affairs, one from the Homewood Faculty Assembly, and one from the Homewood Academic Council.

Council will be staffed by the Krieger/Whiting Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion.

Membership Criteria

  • Demonstrated commitment to JHU and to diversity and inclusion issues
  • Strong understanding of the various dimensions of diversity
  • Communication skills and openness to diverse viewpoints
  • Faculty members of the committee should have leadership experience or potential and high regard in their units/departments

Structure and Governance

The council will report to the Dean of the Whiting School of Engineering and the Dean of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and will be chaired by a tenured faculty member.

Contact the HCIE at [email protected]